(ALL) Deaf Black Fellowship taught by Michael White from 7:15 to 8:15 pm / 
Meeting ID:  687 339 9060   Passcode:  JesusM58!

Tuesday:  March 5, March 12, March 19, April 16, April 23, and April 30:
New Disciples Class taught by Emory Dively through ZOOM from 7 PM to 8:30 PM
Meeting ID:  837 7921 4359 / Passcode:  204837


-(ALL) ZOOM Bible Study taught by Penny Beard on “Divided Nations on Genesis 1-11 from 7 PM to 8:30 PM   Meeting ID:  814 4550 9078 / Passcode:  Menprayer

February 9 – (2nd Friday) (ALL) DLC ZOOM Prayer Meeting led by Cindy Dively / 
Meeting ID:  863 3882 2999 / Passcode:  291437      

DLC:  Long Island – Pastor Ebby Johnson's ZOOM church service at 5:00 PM (MN Time) Contact Ebby at  
Meeting ID:  89617037780