Greetings from Belo Horizonte, Brazil!

It’s incredible how God guides our steps and opens new doors when we least expect it. Over the past few months, I’ve experienced profound shifts and divine confirmations that have led me to new adventures and opportunities to serve.

An Unexpected Journey to Brazil

I know it may sound surprising, but I am now in Brazil! West Africa was on my mind, but during my recent trip in Gambia, I found no peace about staying in Liberia. Torn by this dilemma, I released Liberia to God and opened my heart to any country where I might find joy in doing His will.

A few days later through meditation and prayer, scriptures and Bible stories flooded my thoughts about the Holy Spirit. Brazil came to my mind time and time again. Unsure, I released Brazil to God as well, waiting for a clear confirmation. Soon after as I scrolled through my social media accounts, the first thing I saw was a video about the Holy Spirit, which stirred my heart and brought Brazil to mind again.

I finally asked God if He wanted me to teach DTS Libras about the Holy Spirit. I waited for another sign, and right away, two people from the previous year’s DTS Libras–one former staff member and one former student–messaged me, expressing how much they missed me. I also learned that the current DTS Libras had started in early June. Praying for clarity, in June, I reached out to the DTS leaders to see if they still needed teachers for the 12 weeks. They still needed three more teachers. We all prayed and felt peace about it, so I will be teaching the DTS Libras about the Holy Spirit from August 26-30!

The Island Revelation

Two years ago, I met a married couple, Darrell and Chryssy, in Jamaica. They were introduced to Deaf culture and developed an interest in DeafBlind culture. I felt an inexplicable connection with them. After they returned to Barbados, God kept prompting them about the Deaf community. They decided to learn sign language and meet Deaf people in Barbados, which led them to found a Deaf ministry called Deaf House a year ago.

I kept in touch with Chryssy, who frequently asked me to come to Barbados to help with the Deaf ministry. Each time, I prayed and declined. In February 2024, during a conversation, she joked, “You travel a lot. How can Barbados get on your waiting list?” I joked back, but it made me wonder if I would visit Barbados someday. Eventually, Barbados faded from my mind as I focused on West Africa nations.

In early June, while in Gambia, Barbados occasionally came to mind, but I didn’t pay much attention. At the end of June, I was quietly sitting in my room, observing my surroundings, when I noticed old, decayed paintings on the wall. They resembled a map, and the phrase “coast island” came to mind. I checked the internet but found nothing clear. The thought of the island lingered for several days. Sharing my thoughts with someone, I explained the repeated signs related to the island. She replied, “I don’t know why, but how about Barbados?” After a big gulp, I realized what God was trying to tell me, but I still needed to pray about it.

The next day, June 30, as I was praying, I felt a deep calm. I reached out to Chryssy, telling her I felt led to support her in the Deaf community in Barbados. She was speechless for a few minutes. The previous day someone had asked to pray for her and Deaf House. Chryssy had asked specifically that God would send workers because it had been challenging. Our reconnection was a clear confirmation from God. After that I was convinced of God’s calling to Barbados.

I will go to Barbados to help Darrell and Chryssy with the Deaf ministry for a few weeks in September. I am continually amazed by how God speaks to us in various ways, showing His power and guidance in every step.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. Your contributions are making a profound impact on the lives of Deaf and DeafBlind individuals, helping them access God’s word and find their place in His creation. If you feel led to provide further support, whether through prayers or donations, it would be greatly appreciated. Together, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can continue to make a difference in the Deaf and DeafBlind communities across the world.

Love in Christ,
