This is from Kevlasha Humphrey who is our new DeafBlind missionary DLC supports her $60 a month   Matt and Eva Barlow is retired now 

Please read below about who she is! 
I previously worked with Youth With A Mission but currently serve as an independent missionary. I am actively seeking opportunities with organizations to partner with in the future. My main focuses are pioneering deaf ministries, aiding Deaf abuse survivors to find hope in Christ, and sharing the Good News with Deaf individuals in their heart language. I am eager to serve wherever God leads me, aiming to draw Deaf people closer to Jesus Christ. I appreciate your support. Thank you! 

Happy Risen,


I apologize for the delayed response; I was in The Gambia, West Africa when you initially reached out. I've only just returned to the US a few days ago. It was truly a joy to work alongside your husband, Emory, in Liberia. I appreciated not only the opportunity to collaborate with him but also getting to know him on a personal level, including his wonderful sense of humor!

I am incredibly grateful for the support from Deaf Life Church. Thank you for your generosity and for partnering with me in serving God's Kingdom. Your heart for ministry is truly inspiring, and I thank God for it.

I'm thrilled to hear about the DeafBlind Church updates! God's work through this ministry is amazing, and I look forward to the day when I can visit the DeafBlind Church someday!